Puako Bay

Explore Puako Bay’s rocky shores, snorkel in calm waters, and uncover ancient Hawaiian petroglyphs in Waikoloa, Big Island.

Puako Bay is a Beach located in the city of Waikoloa on Big Island, Hawaii
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Beach Gallery

Things to Know About Puako Bay

  • Overview: Puako Bay, situated in Waikoloa on Big Island, Hawaii, is a picturesque destination known for its rocky shoreline, tide pools, and unique snorkeling opportunities. A must-see for visitors, this gem offers a blend of natural beauty and fascinating history.
  • Highlights: The bay’s expansive reef and calm waters make it a haven for snorkelers and scuba divers, while the nearby Puako Petroglyph Archaeological Preserve houses the largest collection of petroglyphs in the state, offering a glimpse into ancient Hawaiian life.
  • Activities: Visitors can explore the intricate marine life while snorkeling or scuba diving, and hike to the Puako Petroglyph Archaeological Preserve to discover over 3,000 ancient rock drawings.
  • Information: Puako Bay is open year-round, with no entrance fees. The best time to visit is during the morning hours when the ocean is calmest, providing optimal snorkeling and diving conditions.
  • History & Significance: Puako Bay holds great cultural significance due to the presence of the Puako Petroglyph Archaeological Preserve, where thousands of ancient rock drawings depict prehistoric Hawaiian life. These petroglyphs offer a unique insight into the history of the area and its inhabitants.
  • Tips & Insights: To make the most of your visit, wear sturdy shoes for the hike to the petroglyph site, and bring your snorkeling or diving gear to explore the underwater world. Also, be mindful of the ocean conditions and respect the cultural significance of the petroglyphs by not touching or defacing them.

Getting to the Beach


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