Hale o Lono Heiau

Explore Hale o Lono Heiau in Waimea Valley, Oahu: ancient temple dedicated to Lono, Hawaiian god of agriculture, offering history, culture, and serenity.

Hale o Lono Heiau is a Heritage Site located in the city of Haleiwa on Oahu, Hawaii
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Things to Know About Hale o Lono Heiau

  • Overview: Hale o Lono Heiau, nestled in the picturesque Waimea Valley on Oahu’s North Shore in Haleiwa, is a must-see historical site for visitors in Hawaii. This ancient temple is dedicated to Lono, the Hawaiian god of agriculture, and offers a unique glimpse into Hawaiian culture and history.
  • Highlights: What sets Hale o Lono Heiau apart from other sites in Oahu is its well-preserved state and the stunning natural surroundings of Waimea Valley. It is a rare opportunity to explore an ancient heiau in such a pristine setting, allowing visitors to truly connect with the past.
  • Activities: At Hale o Lono Heiau, visitors can enjoy guided tours to learn about the site’s history and significance, take part in cultural workshops and demonstrations, or simply wander the tranquil grounds and take in the beauty of the heiau and its surroundings.
  • Information: Hale o Lono Heiau is open daily from 9 am to 5 pm, with the last entry at 4 pm. Admission to the heiau is included with the entrance fee to Waimea Valley, which is $20 for adults and $12 for children ages 4-12. The best time to visit is during the morning or late afternoon when temperatures are cooler and crowds are thinner.
  • History & Significance: Built between 1470 A.D. and 1700 A.D., Hale o Lono Heiau played a crucial role in ancient Hawaiian religious practices. While human sacrifices were not a regular occurrence, offerings of fish and humans were sometimes made to ensure a bountiful harvest and a successful fishing season in the coming year.
  • Tips & Insights: To make the most of your visit to Hale o Lono Heiau, consider joining a guided tour for a more in-depth understanding of the site’s history and cultural significance. Additionally, take time to explore the rest of Waimea Valley, which boasts lush botanical gardens, scenic hiking trails, and the beautiful Waimea Falls.

Getting to the Heritage Site


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